Edison Microfilm Reel 283
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Edison Microfilm Reel 283
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- edison-microfilm; additional_collections; edison-papers
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- English
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- 461.2M
The editors of the Edison Papers produced descriptions for each of the folders listed below. These folders can be found in the Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition. They generally include the names of companies, persons, technologies, publications, countries, and other subjects that are important or of particular interest in that group of documents (although some folder descriptions in the early years are quite spare). They also often reveal background information about or relationships between people, companies, governments, and other institutions.
Legal Series (Reels 282-283) [pdf pg. 11]
Richard W. Kellow File (Continued from Reel 282) [pdf pg. 12]
Agreement: Phonograph Sales Co. (1916-1918) [pdf pg. 13]
Deed: Isaac W. and Frances F. England -- Mineral Rights (1916, 1920) [pdf pg. 17]
Agreement: U.S. Crushed Stone Co. (1916-1917) [pdf pg. 24]
Agreement: Miller Reese Hutchison (1916) [pdf pg. 31]
Bills of Sale: Edison Storage Battery Co. (1916) [pdf pg. 42]
Agreement: Andrea and Serafina Maglio (1916, 1919) [pdf pg. 58]
Agreement: Wisconsin Chair Co. (1916-1917) [pdf pg. 63]
Contract: Mitsui & Co. (1916-1917) [pdf pg. 85]
Correspondence: Mitsui re Phenol Plant in Japan (1916-1920) [pdf pg. 89]
Deeds: Ezra L. Wean, George Haycock (1917, 1921) [pdf pg. 97]
Lease: Marcus Lusk (1917-1920) [pdf pg. 108]
Correspondence: Hirzel Royalty (1917-1919) [pdf pg. 117]
Contract: Miller Reese Hutchison (1917) [pdf pg. 129]
License: Charles T. Dally (1917) [pdf pg. 148]
Assignment: Heinrich H. Meno Kammerhoff (1917) [pdf pg. 158]
Correspondence: Glenmont Buildings -- Mina Edison (1917) [pdf pg. 162]
Assignment: Robert BacHMan and Charles Norton (1917) [pdf pg. 165]
Correspondence: Edison Electric Appliance Co. (1917-1920) [pdf pg. 170]
Bill of Sale: Aluminum Co. of America (1918) [pdf pg. 180]
Agreement: B. E. Tinstman(1918-1923) [pdf pg. 183]
Agreement: M. R. Hutchison and Edison Storage Battery Co. (1918) [pdf pg. 204]
Income and War Excess Profits Tax Returns for 1917(1918) [pdf pg. 217]
Correspondence: Real Estate -- Raub Property (1918-1930) [pdf pg. 224]
Lease: Edison Portland Cement Co. (1918) [pdf pg. 238]
License: Edison Storage Battery Co. (1918) [pdf pg. 247]
Report: Industrial Statistics for 1918 (1919) [pdf pg. 253]
Assignment: Lamar Lyndon (1919) [pdf pg. 257]
Tentative Return and Estimate: Corporation Taxes, 1918(1919) [pdf pg. 261]
Documents: Real Estate -- Burlington County, NJ(1919, 1925) [pdf pg. 265]
Correspondence: Agreement with W. H. Knierim(1919-1920) [pdf pg. 282]
Correspondence: Oak Investment & Security Co.(1919-1920) [pdf pg. 295]
Agreement: Frederick P. McIntosh(1920) [pdf pg. 303]
License: Newman H. Holland(1920) [pdf pg. 305]
Assignment: Edison Storage Battery Co.(1920) [pdf pg. 309]
Assignments: Thomas A. Edison, Inc. (1920) [pdf pg. 311]
Assignment: North Jersey Paint Co.(1920) [pdf pg. 325]
Correspondence: Agreement with Halogen Products Co. (1920) [pdf pg. 332]
Assignment: James F. Monahan (1920) [pdf pg. 340]
Memorandum: Transfer of Shares to Theodore Edison (1920) [pdf pg. 344]
Trusts: Madeleine E. Sloane, Charles and Theodore Edison (1920) [pdf pg. 346]
Release: Heinrich H. Meno Kammerhoff (1920) [pdf pg. 357]
Agreement: Draftsmen, Disc Division (1920) [pdf pg. 379]
Lease: Owen Frey (1921) [pdf pg. 381]
Correspondence: Walter Scott Shinn (1921) [pdf pg. 392]
Power of Attorney: Charles Edison (1921) [pdf pg. 402]
Certificate of Dissolution: Thomas A. Edison Association (1921) [pdf pg. 404]
Agreements: Hanlon A. Gardner -- Real Estate (1921) [pdf pg. 410]
Certificate of Dissolution: Edison International Corporation (1921) [pdf pg. 418]
Correspondence: Bachrach Studios (1922) [pdf pg. 422]
Contracts: Steven, Crum, Paris, and Murray (1922-1923) [pdf pg. 432]
Correspondence: E. L. Woodfin, Phonograph Sales Plan (1922) [pdf pg. 437]
Assignment: Roscoe J. Smith (1922) [pdf pg. 460]
List: Items for Edison Pioneers Museum (1922) [pdf pg. 464]
Correspondence: Ecometer Manufacturing Co. (1923) [pdf pg. 475]
Correspondence: Phonograph Sales Proposition (1923) [pdf pg. 488]
Power of Attorney: Marion Oeser-Edison (1923) [pdf pg. 512]
Assignment: Paul D. Payne (1923) [pdf pg. 519]
Lists: Active Patents (1923, 1926) [pdf pg. 523]
Correspondence: New Jersey Patent Co. (1924-1925) [pdf pg. 549]
Correspondence: Loan to William Maxwell (1925) [pdf pg. 554]
Correspondence: Lease to Herman Hoffman (1925) [pdf pg. 560]
Contract: F. H. Losey (1925) [pdf pg. 567]
Agreement: Commissioners Palisades Interstate Park (1925-1928) [pdf pg. 571]
Trusts: Marion E. Oeser, Thomas Edison Jr., William Edison (1925) [pdf pg. 581]
Settlement of Loan: Ford and Edison Storage Battery Co. (1925) [pdf pg. 600]
Documents: Premier Mill Corporation and Henry Ford (1925, 1927) [pdf pg. 611]
Assignments: Edison Storage Battery Co. (1926) [pdf pg. 620]
Sale of Patents: Thomas A. Edison, Incorporated (1926) [pdf pg. 632]
Correspondence: Samuel Insull -- Edison Name Use (1926) [pdf pg. 645]
Contract of Sale: Real Estate for William L. Edison (1926) [pdf pg. 650]
Stock Sale: Edison Portland Cement Co. (1926) [pdf pg. 653]
Agreement: State of New Jersey (1926, 1928) [pdf pg. 662]
Power of Attorney: Charles Edison (1927) [pdf pg. 673]
Trusts: Madeleine E. Sloane, Charles and Theodore Edison (1927) [pdf pg. 677]
Agreement: Real Estate for William L. Edison (1927) [pdf pg. 690]
Documents: Edison Botanic Research Corporation (1927) [pdf pg. 701]
Contract: H. Nehrling (1928) [pdf pg. 723]
Memorandum: Henry Ford's Plan for Edison Museum (1928) [pdf pg. 728]
- Addeddate
- 2020-05-19 13:54:38
- Foldoutcount
- 0
- Identifier
- edisonmicrofilm283
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t8rc5tk8x
- Ocr
- ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR)
- Ocr_converted
- abbyy-to-hocr 1.1.11
- Ocr_module_version
- 0.0.14
- Pages
- 745
- Ppi
- 600
- Scanner
- Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4
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